Solace for some is found in the elements of music. Soft blues. Uplifting happy painting.
Exhibited- Awarded- Cataloged
Exhibiting Leesburg Center For The Arts Solo Show 2020-2021
Exhibited – Art and Conflict in The Times of Corona Virus – 2020
Artist Statement- If we were all the same, the world would be boring. Acceptance begins the learning to love the beauty that comprises our surroundings.
Undergoing changes where every cell begins again. With a relentless, commitment to recreate what we know as reality; the never ending cycle perpetuates repetition. The original 24 x 36 mixed media, acrylic, oil and cold wax medium on canvas.
36"x24" Acrylic, Oil and Cold Wax on Canvas/sold FINE ART PRINTS are available HERE View my available work at