What was I thinking? I am focused on the protests worldwide and those calling for change. What personal sacrifice that everyone must create and endure to be an active part of the change.
Exhibited Awarded Cataloged – Happy Gallery & Spiritual Life Institute- South Korea 2020,
Hansford and Sons Gallery UK
14"x11" Oil on smooth prime cotton on board. The original as well as fine art reproductions are AvailableHERE View more of Arrachme's work at http://arrachmeart.com
The Patron. Layered, Molded mixed media, oil, resin, cold wax on wood
What was I thinking? It is one in a million personality that is purely dedicated. Sometimes the patron walks alone, sometimes not but one thing is for sure there is always an inner unexplainable joy.
Exhibited Awarded Cataloged – Hansford and Sons Gallery -UK
10"x8" Layered, Molded mixed media, oil, resin, cold wax on wood. The original as well as fine art reproductions are AvailableHERE View more of Arrachme's work at http://arrachmeart.com
Abstract Expressionism. The Prophet. High contrasted color takes you deep into a journey to splendid exploration. Subtle gestural bold brush strokes. Oil on smooth prime cotton on board.
Exhibited Awarded Cataloged – Happy Gallery & Spiritual Life Insitute- South Korea 2020,
Hansford and Sons Gallery UK
14"x11" Oil on smooth prime cotton on board. This painting is Available HERE View more of Arrachme's work at http://arrachmeart.com
People are chosen for many reasons and for many things. Marked For Favor points to the light in the destiny of that event. Oil on canvas.
Exhibited- Awarded- Cataloged – Fantapia Hwan Art Museum – Beyond Borders Exhibition 2021- South Korea
48"x24" Oil on canvas. Purchase the original, or a Fine Art Print HERE View more of Arrachme's work at http://arrachmeart.com
Abstract Expressionism. High contrasted color takes you deep into a journey to the splendid palace. Valhalla. Oil on smooth prime cotton on board.
Related Paintings 14"x11" Oil on smooth prime cotton on board. This painting is sold, however Fine Art Prints are available HERE View more of Arrachme's work at http://arrachmeart.com