Monday, August 31, 2020

Bird Painting, Contemporary Art “Wild Citizen” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme


 Representational Abstract. Wild Citizen. Layered, Molded mixed media,.

12"x12" oil, cold wax, and textured resin on wood/Available

Fine Art Prints in various sizes are also available framed or unframed.

Available HERE

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Nature Fine Art Painting, Colored Pencil, Wildlife,"SPECTACLED OWL” The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

The Spectacle Owl , Pulsatrix perspicillata is the first owl I ever saw in the wild. I was walking in the rainforest on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica when suddenly I felt as if I was being watched. I looked around and didn't see anything, until I looked up. The gaze of an owl staring at you is piercing. I stopped dead in my tracks and watched this magnificent raptor. I will never forget that moment. This painting was done from a rescued owl at the Toucan Rescue Ranch. They rehabilitate all rainforest birds found in Costa Rica.

They have all the Neo-Tropical Owls and when possible the birds are released back into the wild. This listing is for an original colored pencil and PanPastel paintings on Stonehenge Kraft Paper. It is unframed. 25% of the sale will go towards donating funds to the Toucan Rescue Ranch.

7"x7" Colored Pencil on Paper

Click HERE for purchase info.

View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE

Learn about my Annual Art Tour to Costa Rica HERE
The next one is January 29th - February 7th 20201

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Friday, August 28, 2020

Glass Sculpture, Fine Art, "CHECKERBOARD” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

Each black and white piece of glass was carefully cut out and assembled to reflect this geometric pattern. The overall effect dances on glass and shows what can be achieved through patience and persistence.

11"x11"x1/4" Glass/Available

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Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art “Tight Rope” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme


Tight Rope is a bright cheerful abstract expression of light, color, and line. Minimalist nonobjective fine art.

20"x16" Original Painting

Fine Art Prints in various sizes are also available

The original as well as fine art prints are Available HERE

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wildlife, Nature Fine Art Painting, Colored Pencil,” TABU THE ONCILLA” The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

What is an Oncilla? Oncillas are amongst the smallest of South & Central America’s wild cats. They are currently on the vulnerable list of species in potential danger of extinction. They are often mistaken for an ocelot or a margay, but they are smaller. If you aren't really paying attention you might think they are a house cat! Tabu is a permanent resident at the Toucan Rescue Ranch. 

8"x11" Colored Pencil on Paper

Click HERE for purchase info.

View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE

Learn about my Annual Art Tour to Costa Rica HERE
The next one is January 29th - February 7th 20201

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Glass Sculpture, Fine Art,Hanukkah "REACTIVE CRACKLE PLATE” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

A focal piece for any shelf- this crackle fused glass piece is attractive from both sides- small enough to be a conversational piece in your home- the stand is included in the price.

8"x8"x.25" Glass/Available

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Fish Painting Under the Sea, "School's out" by Florida Impressionism Artist Annie St Martin

  10"x20"Acrylic on Canvas

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"School's out" by Florida Impressionism Artist Annie St Martin, colorful fish painting, Fish Painting Under the Sea, 9/1-7 Flamingo Art, Coastal Wildlife, Bird,"Flamingo In Technicolor" Florida Impressionism Artist Annie St Martin
 This guy is waiting for an unsuspecting passerby. After all, it is dinnertime!

 12"x12" Acrylic on canvas/Available

 $150.00 Click HERE to purchase.

 To view more of my work, visit

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Nature Fine Art Painting, Original Watercolor Painting, Wildlife,"COMET MOTH-VINTAGE” The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

This Comet Moth is a male. How do I know this???? The tails are unusually long. The female has a much shorter tail and a heavier, fuller body. Also the antenna on the males are feathery. This is so they can pick up pheromones released by the females. This is a spectacular moth and is enormous as well as colorful.

14"x11"Watercolor and Colored Pencil on Paper

Click HERE for more info about this painting.

View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE

Learn about my Annual Art Tour to Costa Rica HERE
The next one is January 29th - February 7th 20201

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sculpture, Figurative Sculpture, Contemporary Art, “Wall Climbers" by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

Two boys are climbing up a wall. The older one has already made it to the top and is waiting for the younger one to finish scaling up. The sculpture is lighter than it appears although the base is metal, the figures are made from paper clay and Powertex.

10"x8"x5" Paper clay, Powertex on Driftwood/Available


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Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art “Maternus” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme


Maternus representational abstraction expression was created for NY Southern Art Dealers Women of The World Exhibition

10"x8" Oil on board.

Fine Art Prints are available in various sizes.

The original as well as fine art prints are Available HERE

View more of Arrachme's work at

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wildlife, Nature Fine Art Painting, Original Watercolor Painting,” MILLIE THE 2 FINGERED SLOTH” The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

I LOVE Sloths! For over 30 years I have traveled to Costa Rica. I always see sloths in the wild. This particular sloth is "Millie" the 2 fingered sloth. A park ranger rescued her when she was only a few weeks old. A huge mudslide toppled her and her mom from the trees. Unfortunately, Millie's mom perished in the storm. Luckily, this tiny baby sloth was taken to the Toucan Rescue Ranch. Millie was the first sloth to arrive at this all bird rehab center. Here she thrived, paving the way for more injured, orphaned and abandoned sloths to get the care they needed. Millie is now an Ambassador at Toucan Rescue Ranch. Everyone loves her! Working with the folks at Toucan Rescue Ranch is a privledge. I love helping them. This original is a combination of colored pencil and PanPastels on Stonehenge Kraft paper. The art is unframed and includes free shipping within the continental USA). 25% of the sale of this painting goes directly to the Toucan Rescue Ranch. 300 animals are in much need of funding for medical expenses, food and rehab.

7"x7" Mixed Media on Paper


Click HERE to purchase.

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Friday, August 21, 2020

Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art “Room With A View” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme

Room With A View is a bright cheerful abstract expression of light, color, and line.
Minimalist, nonobjective fine art.FRESH OFF THE EASEL

Personal Freedom opens doors to uplifting possibilities. High contrasted color takes you deep into a journey. Subtle gestural bold brush strokes. Abstract Expressionism. Minimalist nonobjective.

20"x16" Oil on board.

Fine Art Prints are available up to 60"x40" with or without frame.

The original as well as fine art prints are Available HERE

View more of Arrachme's work at

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Learn about Arrachme's live workshops HERE

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Glass Sculpture, Fine Art,Hanukkah "GOLDEN MENORAH” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

A one of its kind menorah is created in warm autumn colors in a tapestry pattern.
Celebrate Hanukkah with a truly impressive artist piece for your religious holiday.

7"x12"x1.5" Glass/Available


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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wildlife, Nature Fine Art Painting, Original Watercolor Painting,”RED VINTAGE BEETLE” The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

This red ground beetle was a fun challenge as I experimented with working on creating a vintage look on the paper. It is hand torn/deckled on 300lb watercolor paper.

8.5"x6"Watercolor and Colored Pencil on Paper


Click HERE to purchase.

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Glass Sculpture, Fine Art, Blue Glass "EVENING MENORAH” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

A truly unique expression of color and design for celebrating Hanukkah. The blues and blacks in the fused glass piece are glow even more during the lightening of candles.

7"x12"x1.5" Glass/Available


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Koi Painting,Fish, KOI "The Scout" by Florida Impressionism Artist Annie St Martin

11"x14".75  Acrylic on Canvas


Click HERE to purchase.

Prints and Pillows available HERE

Visit to view more of my work.

Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art “Personal Freedom” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme


Personal Freedom opens doors to uplifting possibilities. High contrasted color takes you deep into a journey. Subtle gestural bold brush strokes. The original is 14 x 11. Abstract Expressionism. Minimalist nonobjective

14"x11" Oil on board.

Fine Art Prints are available up to 60"x40" with or without frame.

The original as well as fine art prints are Available HERE

View more of Arrachme's work at

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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wildlife, Nature Fine Art Painting, "NITE CROWNED HERON" The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe

5"x7"x1" Watercolor on Canvas-Available

Click HERE to purchase.

View Mindy's available Fine Art Reproductions HERE

View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE

Mindy's a new BOOK is now available for reorder on Amazon  HERE

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Monday, August 17, 2020

Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art “Amerika III” by International Contemporary Abstract Artist Arrachme

This triptych is inspired by Picasso’s Guernica as a historical parallel to these intense modern times that we are all enduring. It is my observation that the intense change will bring forth a brighter happy time for all when the cycle is complete. The changes include immigrant child separation, Black Lives Matter, pandemic, political unrest, technology shifts, voter suppression, environmental damage, political process shifts, court systems manipulation, Russian interference, China labs controversy, Europe communication collapse, medical changes, presidential use of Executive Orders, Supreme Court, seeding of population conflict, Statue of liberty, etc. I site-reference to the unrest of 1930- 1945 and the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 of which we did come out the other side to a new positive era. 

To Be Exhibited- Leesburg Center For The Arts – Oct 2020

The originals will be best ordered with a floating black frame. 

Part of the Award Winning -Compass Series
48 x 36 Acrylic, Oil, on Canvas

More info HERE

Fine Art Reproductions are Available HERE

The originals will be best ordered with a floating black frame. 

View more of Arrachme's work at

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Glass Sculpture, Fine Art "CORAL IN BLUES AND GRAYS” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

Use this unique and expressive piece of coral in blues and grays as a centerpiece on a table. The organic nature of the work reminds the viewer of what could be found on the floor of a tropical sea. Add the stand for the piece for an additional $25.00. The total cost of the piece as seen in the picture is $115.00.

10"x10"x1/2" Glass/Available


Click HERE to purchase.

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Non Objective Painting, Contemporary Art “Amerika II” by International Abstract Realism Artist Arrachme

This triptych is inspired by Picasso’s Guernica as a historical parallel to these intense modern times that we are all enduring. It is my observation that the intense change will bring forth a brighter happy time for all when the cycle is complete. The changes include immigrant child separation, Black Lives Matter, pandemic, political unrest, technology shifts, voter suppression, environmental damage, political process shifts, court systems manipulation, Russian interference, China labs controversy, Europe communication collapse, medical changes, presidential use of Executive Orders, Supreme Court, seeding of population conflict, Statue of liberty, etc. I site-reference to the unrest of 1930- 1945 and the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 of which we did come out the other side to a new positive era. 

To Be Exhibited- Leesburg Center For The Arts – Oct 2020The originals will be best ordered with a floating black frame. Complete Tryptic-
Part of the Award Winning -Compass Series
48 x 36 Acrylic, Oil, on Canvas   More info HERE

Fine Art Reproductions are Available HERE

The originals will be best ordered with a floating black frame. 

View more of Arrachme's work at

FREE online classes HERE

Learn about Arrachme's live workshops HERE

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Glass Sculpture, Fine Art "AN AUTUMN STARBURST CORAL” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

Warm summer colors blend into the fall as the coral piece demonstrates two different seasons. The piece can easily be the hallmark of a tabletop or room. Its organic design remind the viewer of what can be seen on the bottom of a gulf.

12"x12"x1/2" Glass/Available


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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wildlife Art, Bird, Nature, Illustrative Art ,Fine Ary Print "Pelican" The Art of Nature, Fine Art by Mindy Lighthipe


The Brown Pelican is found throughout the eastern and southern coast of the USA. During  mating season the eye color of the male turns a beautiful blue to attract the females. The original painting was 60" tall by 40" wide and was a commission for a private collector.

Fine Art Reproductions in Multiple Sizes Are Available HERE

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Mindy's BOOK by Quarto Books is available on Amazon HERE

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Glass Sculpture, Fine Art "BLUE AND GRAY CORAL DISPLAY” by Florida Contemporary Artist Mary Ann Ziegler

Revisit what is at the bottom of the ocean with this unique representation of a color piece. The blues and reds enhance the shape and design. Add the stand the piece sits on for an additional $25.00 for a total cost of $115.00. This stand alone piece can be used as a decorative focus for any table top or room.

10"x10"x1/2" Glass/Available


Click HERE to purchase.

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