Thursday, June 30, 2011
"Afternoon Light-Mission Capistrano", 16x12, oil on board by Maryanne Jacobsen

"Afternoon Light-Mission Capistrano", 16x12, oil on board by Maryanne Jacobsen
This is the newest of my Mission San Juan Capistrano paintings. I just love that old mission! You can click on the image to see the painting better. I painted it with both brush and palette knife. It was a complex scene for a couple reasons. The old adobe part of the mission where the bells are located is definitely unusual in terms of architecture. So I always feel challenged when I try to capture the colors and the shape of the structure. The wall of the courtyard was more straightforward, but the combination of contrasting colors and perspective of the three adjoining buildings challenged me a bit. I had fun with the bougainvillea and the aloe plant in the foreground though.
Mission San Juan Capistrano is located in southern California in Orange County, about an hour north of San Diego and just south of Laguna Beach. I have visited it three or four times and never grow tired of that beautiful place. It is a national treasure and historic monument, and most people have heard the beautiful legend about the swallows that return there every year to nest. To read more about the mission and the swallows , please go here.
If you would like to see more of my Mission San Juan Capistrano paintings, just insert the word Capistrano into the search box located in the left hand sidebar at my blog Paint Dance.
Please visit my official website here.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, home decor art, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, Maryanne Jacobsen paintings,paintings with impasto
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, home decor art, colorist art,contemporary impressionism,
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, home decor art, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, impressionist sunflowers,vibrant sunflower paintings,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto floral paintings,paintings with thick impasto,Small original oil paintings, Mission San Juan Capistrano Painting, original Maryanne Jacobsen art , Paintings of California Missions, colorist oil paintings,contemporary impressionist landscape oil paintings,one of a kind paintings,southern California landscape original art>,Small original oil paintings, Mission San Juan Capistrano Painting, original Anne Rice books , Paintings of California Missions, colorist oil paintings,contemporary impressionist original oil paintings,one of a kind paintings, California landscape original art,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kiawah Island Art by Sharon Guy

Edge of the Sea
Oil on canvas, 14 in. x 11 in.
Kiawah Island has interesting dunes, shrubs, grasses, and weatherbeaten fences. I started this painting a couple of years ago and finished it recently. My website is at Sharon Guy Art.
Key West Hanging Out Original Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
16 x 20 inches on gallery wrapped canvas
Mahalo for visiting…..
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
You may reach P. O'Shields regarding information on this painting or pricing of her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382 or by email at
Painting available for purchase at Tropical Seascapes Portfolio
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Daily Painting 1279 Showing Our Stripes Fish Painting
Playful Palm, Tropical Palm Tree on Beach by Judy Batterson

This is the cutest little palm tree on the beach! The fun part is a sky full of the colors of pinks, blue, lavender, and little bits of yellow. This is a tropical scene that is happy. I had fun painting this and love the happy way people respond to it. 8x10" Oil on masonite. Framed original $325 Available at Let Us Frame It, Orlando, FL.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"Summer Pleasures" after Edward Henry Potthast

(4x4") - 201142
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Today my husband helped me make a smaller version of the knife that I always work with. It's the flat edge, rectangular shape that I love. But the smallest that I've ever found is still a little more than a quarter inch wide. Very hard to get into the smaller spaces with it. My new knife has a width of about 2/8 ths. Perfect for tight spaces! I changed the composition just a little with this one. All of these studies have been smaller passages from Potthast's paintings, and most of the areas I've selected have had balanced compositional elements. I SO wanted to paint this pooch, but the square composition that I wanted to use was weak as it was. I moved the dog in a bit, and added the large hill in the background. I still feel some emptiness right in the middle of the painting and I'm trying to decide what to incorporate, if anything. Keeping things fresh is important though and I hate to go back in and risk getting a blip of something too distracting.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Jani's Sunflowers
24x30 oil on gallery wrap canvas Jani Lori SOLD |
Nature Art From Georgia

Anhinga, KOA Lake, Richmond Hill, Georgia
Acrylic on canvas, 11 in. x 14 in.
Richmond Hill, Georgia is Southwest of Savannah. The KOA campground has a beautiful lake surrounded by tall, pine trees. The Anhinga stayed on a branch in the middle of the lake for a long time. Sharon Guy Art.
Studio 704.374.1695
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Daily Painting 1278 The Disgruntled Octopus

I had fun painting this, I do the eyes of an animal or person pretty early on in the painting, I can daydream about what is going on then as I paint. The painting is 5 x 7 inches, oil on archival mat board, $100.
Bahamas, Abaco, Elbow Key, Hopetown Lighthouse Pastel by Phyllis O'Shields
My inspiration for this series of Bahamas Paintings is the beautiful clear water, the delicate colours of water and sky, the absolute pristine surroundings. I feel total peace and contentment in the Bahamas. I lived on Andros and Freeport Island for many years. Each year I return to the out islands and hold workshops painting en plein air. Please email me if you wish to be on a list of students who will attend.
We will offer paintings for 47 days for sale for $47 and contribute to the charities of our choice.
My charity is local Mecklenburg/ Gastonia for needy families, serving abused Women and Children in shelters.
This pastel painting is normally a $400 painting without mat and framing.
But because it is offered in this Daily Operation 47 it sells for $47.00
To purchase this beautiful painting visit
Studio 704.374.1695
Friday, June 24, 2011
Daily Painting 1277 Camouflage Fish Painting

I started with a lion fish. Well, he didn't look good and there was a bunch of commotion going on in the house so I was distracted and I removed him. I put in the eye of the fish, it looked kind of like an eye there already and then the rest of the fish got painted with no more trouble.
Its oil on archival mat board, 5 x 7 inches, $100.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
"Three Girls at the Seashore" after Edward Henry Potthast

"Three Girls at the Seashore" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201141
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Ahhh - yellow! An ever elusive color to get work with. Especially lemony yellows. One of the 'basic' and commonly used is cadmium yellow pale. I find it very much on the cool side, and often times unnatural looking. My preference is cad yellow medium, but I didn't have any. If you mix ochre with the pale, you'll get a close approximation and a warmer tone.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Daily Painting 1276 Flock of Spoonbills
Moon Shadows, Tropical Florida Night with Full Moon Oil Landscape by Judy Batterson

When a full moon is in the night sky , the reflection on the water sparkles like diamonds while the moonlight creates palm shadows. This painting captures the moment of night light tranquility. The whiteness of the moonlight and its highlights contrast against the darkness of the night. The value contrast has high drama and creates a surreal world. The full moon creates patterns of light while it illuminates the clouds, the water and the shoreline. The dark values keep everything still. Framed 16 x 20" Original Oil on canvas $1500 (Giclee available $325, Prints $75) Chosen by Orlando Magazine for "Paint the Town" 8th Annual Exhibition, Chosen for "Simply the Best" book by Timothy's Gallery, Available at Let Us Frame It in Orlando, FL.
Bahamas Out Island Original Pastel by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Imprssionism
Bahamas Out Island Original Pastel
By Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
20 x 16 inches image size
Exuma painted en plein air
My inspiration for this series of Bahamas Paintings is the beautiful clear water, the delicate colours of water and sky, the absolute pristine surroundings. I feel total peace and contentment in the Bahamas. I lived on Andros and Freeport Island for many years.
Each year I return to the out islands and hold workshops painting en plein air. Please email me if you wish to be on a list of students who will attend.
To purchase this beautiful painting visit
Studio 704.374.1695
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
"At the Seaside" after Edward Henry Potthast

"At the Seaside" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201140
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This study seems to have the best of what I try for in a successful painting - most importantly the very loose knife work. The original painting of Potthast's has so much energy to it, and I wanted to try and convey that in my own style. The color mixing was key in terms of getting just the right ratio of pigment to walnut oil. Like I've said many times - if the paint is right, it's like doing a watercolor.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
"At Low Tide" after Edward Henry Potthast

"At Low Tide" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201139
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I am taking note of how difficult it is to nail down a bluish purple that is spot on neutral in terms of warm/cool. Not easy! My favorite part of this painting is the legs of the little one on the right. Just enough of an indication that they are there. It's easy to get caught up in painting 'symbols' of what one thinks a common, easily recognizable thing looks like. And of course once your mind is in that mode and concentrating probably too hard on what you think you see, the harder it is to stop yourself. Particularly true in rendering faces!
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Path through the Sea Oats, 16x12, oil on board, by Maryanne Jacobsen

Path through the Sea Oats, 16x12, oil on board by Maryanne Jacobsen
I have been working on two large paintings, which were commissioned for the Ritz Carlton hotel in Naples, Florida, and I needed to take a break from all the concentration that a commissioned piece requires. So this was the result. It's a happy little piece that I did with a palette knife last evening and I just let go with all the color that I recalled from painting the scene en plein air at Siesta Key Beach a while back. In autumn the sea oats turn a beautiful pinkish shade and the effect is glorious. Unfortunately, I am finding it much too hot to paint outside anymore, so painting from memory is the only solution. It's never adequate though, as I know I have missed some of the oranges and magentas that I know were present in the landscape that day.

If you are interested in this piece, please send me an email at, or visit my website at Maryanne Jacobsen Fine Art if you wish to see more of my original oil paintings or visit my art blog at Paint Dance..
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable art, impressionist paintings,Siesta Key Florida paintings, paintings of Florida Art beaches,palette knife landscapes,colorist art, plein air paintings, Florida plein air paintings
Monday, June 20, 2011
Cafe at Roundout by Jani Lori
8x10 oil on linen Jani Lori |
Daily Painting 1273 Off to School

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Key West Storm Approaching Original Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Original Oil painting 30 x 40 inches
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
This painting was done on location before a hurricane reached shore. The emotion of incrediable cloud formations and the smell of an approaching storm was overwhelming.
The location here was being scouted for an outdoor painting workshop at a later date. The majority of this was painted en plein air. Studio work was required to finish the painting due to winds that were to high to maintain the canvas stability.
Web Site for purchase of painting or to view other works that are availableSkype: p.o.oshields.jones
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
Friday, June 17, 2011
"Young Bathers" after Edward Henry Potthast

"Young Bathers" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201138
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This painting was delightful to do. Once again, the subtle nuance of color and value in the figures with the bright sun and it's reflections coming up off the water. It's a challenge, but worth figuring out. The white of the canvas could have been left to show through and still read in the areas of skin that are sunlit, but it's more accurate to create a mix. I use soft mixing white (what I always use - either Georgian or Winton from Windsor Newton) and a smidgen (and I do mean smidgen) of ochre, lavender, or pink. It knocks the white down just enough and works like a charm.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Florida Everglades Evening Solice by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Original Oil 24 x 36 x 1.5 inches Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Evening approaching in the Everglades is one of the most peaceful times of the day. Birds rush about catching the last rays of sun or their last evening meal.
The Everglades sky changes colours constantly as the light filters through the last clouds left over for the day after the daily afternoon rain.
Early morning or late afternoon are my favorite times to paint in the Everglades. This oil painting required many layers of glazes to achieve the glowing tones of colour present.
I love painting the Everglades and all Marsh Eco Systems with wide open vistas, there is a feeling that you can see forever.
These fragile systems are critical to preserve in their natural state for all wildlife.
Web Site: for purchasing paintings or viewing other works
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Daily Painting 1271 SOLD Royal Poinciana on Second Street Plein Air
Swampy Road, A Florida Oil Landscape of Old Florida by Judy Batterson

Off the beaten paths, sandy roads lead back into hammocks and lagoons. I saw some beautiful untouched areas of coastal Florida by walking down a road on a sunny day until it ended in the water. Palms, pines and mangroves were in abundance. The reflection of the blue sky made the brackish water appear to be a beautiful blue. The palette of cool colors captured the feel of the green flora as well as the blue water and sky. Hammocks reflect different values and colors depending on the sun and the sky. Very refreshing in a back to nature way. 16 x 20" Framed Oil on masonite $1200
Bahamas Out Island Beach Day by Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Original Oil Painting on Gallery Wrapped Canvas 18 x 24
with 1.5" edge
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
The Bahamas Out Islands provide many places for your own private beach to spend the day. This is one of my favorites. The morning clouds usually have a delicate pink in them which is perfect to paint from. I have spent many days on this beach painting in perfect peace.
I will be holding painting workshops in this beautiful cove during January 2012.
Mahalo for visiting….. You may reach P. O’Shields regarding her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382 or by emailing her at
Please Visit the Website for purchase or viewing other art
Blog visit for viewing other latest works on the easel
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
Abstracted Representations by Sharon Guy

Look Up, Acrylic on canvas, 20 in. x 16 in.
I spend a lot of time looking up at the sky while I walk my dogs, or while running on Siesta Beach. This abstract painting was inspired by the dramatic clouds that I often see before the sunset. Sharon Guy Art.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
"Along the Mystic River" after Edward Henry Potthast

"Along the Mystic River" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201137
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Shimmering water isn't an easy thing to paint. I think I've done only a few sunset paintings in my career, and it's because the color, although true to what's actually there, always disturbs me. Probably goes back to my formative years when I did this ungodly painting of a black tree silhouette and a bright neon orange sunset in the background. I certainly hope my mom doesn't still have that stashed somewhere. Nah - no chance. Anyway - I worked this out OK, but it was a trick to get a color mix that would most directly achieve a dusky ambiance.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Tides on the Cape by Jani Lori
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plein air 5x7 oil on linen panel Jani Lori |
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Daily Painting 1270 The Gloaming
"Water Lilies" after Edward Henry Potthast

"Water Lilies" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201136
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As an FYI - I confused the title of this painting with that of the post from Sunday and have made corrections. Today's post is Water Lilies; the other one is called Girls on the Beach. Potthast had many similar titles for his paintings, as well as some that he used more than once. I can certainly relate to the challenge of coming up with catchy titles! This one has 3 small elements that I changed to cater to my own tastes a little bit more. The magenta bow was more of a light pink/coral. The hand of the far right girl was added where it had continued off the image in Potthast's. And I added a few drips coming off the same arm, to give even more interest to what the girls are doing for play.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Cape Cod House by Jani Lori
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plein air 9x12 oil on linen panel Jani Lori SOLD |
Monday, June 13, 2011
"A Summer's Night" after Edward Henry Potthast

"A Summer's Night" after Edward Henry Potthast
(4x4") - 201135
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Finally - I'm getting to a night scene. They always prove to be more challenging than one would think. What struck me most is the very dark warm green placed next to the specular highlights on the girls' hair. Can you see it? It makes the area glow, and somehow tells us the moon is out.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my subscribed blog members. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Daily Painting 1269 Spoonbill Marsh

They are using the marsh as a big experiment, they pump the salt water from the Vero wells into it so it doesn't go into the Indian river too fast. They have rafts of mangroves planted and oyster beds. All seem to be growing well.
There is a show planned for paintings from the paintouts in the fall.
The painting is 8 x 10 inches, oil on masonite, $200.
Gallery Wrapped Canvas 24 x 36 (can be framed or left unframed, painting extends around edges)
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Islands are some of the most beautiful and delicate places on earth. Totally clear water, skies and beaches are throughout the area.
This painting was created in the early morning light on a completely private beach. It was painted en plein air for the majority of the work and finished with glazes in the studio.
What a joy to walk these beaches and breathe in the beauty.
Web Site this painting and others available for purchase there
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.