"View from the Porch- St. Augustine"- 12x16, oil on masonite-$69
This painting was done quite a while back, and I pulled it out last night and made some pretty minor changes to it. The perspective is a little weird, because I was painting from the second floor wrap-around porch at
The Kenwood Inn, in the historic section of St. Augustine, looking down at the intersection of Bridge and Marine Street:

My biggest challenge was to see past the hammock on the porch and still get the perspective correct. This painting was started in the late afternoon, after a typical Florida thunderstorm had cleared, and the warm light on the buildings was yummy-like orange sherbet. The second floor porch at The Kenwood Inn has lovely breezes off the Matanzas Bay and it was a perfect place to paint plein air while being protected from the hot Florida sun.
I did the best that I could to see past the hammock, which I couldn't move, and since I had never painted from that kind of perspective before, I found the whole thing a bit challenging and over my head, lol. It's not a bad painting, but I suspect it would be better if I tried it today, instead of well over a year ago.
As you can see, the Kenwood Inn is in a wonderful location right in the heart of the historic district of St. Augustine, and a short walking distance to everything that is important. The water that you see in the upper left hand side of the painting, is where I stood and painted the
early morning boat scene on the bay.
I also painted
the old door that enters the garden of the Sanchez House, which is the colonial building with the green shutters that you see to the right in the painting above.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the Kenwood Inn. It is a Victorian Inn that is being lovingly restored by its current owners, and in addition to having a fabulous location that is convenient to all of St. Augustine's best attractions, , innkeepers Pat and Ted were warm, gracious hosts and the ambiance in many of the rooms is incredible. Here is a view of the parlor on the first floor , where wine and hospitality is served up in big doses every evening:

If you ever visit St. Augustine, location is everything. Please check out the Kenwood Inn before anything else, since the rates are reasonable, the ambiance is perfect, and the hospitality is warm and friendly! There is also a swimming pool for staying cool, and a side courtyard with koi pond and fabulous old wooden door adorned with flowers and Florida fauna. The Inn also features prominently in the many ghost tours of the Old Town, as there are supposedly some friendly spirits in the house. Truthfully, that doesn't surprise me, as both my husband and I had a couple weird experiences in our charming second floor bedroom while we were there!
I've priced this painting at a bargain price, since it's an old one and was just a plein air study to begin with. Hope it finds a happy home;0)
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St. Augustine original oil painting, Daily painters, original art , award-winning original art, home decor art, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, impressionist street scenes,old Florida paintings,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto house paintings,paintings with thick impasto
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , Bridge Street original art, home decor art, Sanchez House St. Augustine art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, Saint Augustine paintings,Florida historical paintings,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto paintings of Florida.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , paintings of St. Augustine, home decor art, Marine Street St. Augustine painting,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, tropical paintings,Florida paintings,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, Harry's bar and grille paintings,paintings with impasto
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, home decor art, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, Saint Augustine paintings,Florida historical paintings,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto paintings of Florida.