"Reprise" © Sally Shisler, 2011
(4x4") - 201102; $100
Subscribe now to receive my newsletter, "Even More".I've been in Ocala the last couple of days. Mostly here to visit one of my long time best friends, the talented and renowned artist/illustrator
Barb Harmon, but also to see about doing some plein air painting. Ocala is about an hour and a half north of Orlando, and the area is at least 3 weeks behind in showing it's spring greens and blossoms. I had hoped for more color, and thought about scrapping the idea (especially with it soooo windy), but decided to embrace the grayness of the scenery. Also, the clouds were fantabulous! These are Gamblin paints, which I've used before, but not without some kind a medium to take away the pastiness of the paint and allow greater fluidity. Today I forgot my medium, so had to do without. The first painting was wiped, but I have 3 that I think made a decent mark.
I also wanted to say a few words about moving forward with my life, now that my dad is gone and my mom's needs aren't yet as intense as his were. I'd been away from the easel for nearly 6 solid months. In fact, the last painting I did was Festiva Maxima - the big one that I recorded and posted in my first email newsletter, "Even More", which debuted in September (only to be put on hold until ??? -a whole 'nother story). In order to keep focused on the business at hand, I stopped looking at art altogether - not online, not in magazines, not in galleries or museums, and certainly not on my own walls. No art period! I needed all my energy for my parents and their affairs. I have to admit that it was a nice break, but I'm wondering now how things will unfold as I come back to the place where I left off. I am cautiously optimistic that the time away will bring greater clarity and I'm hoping that these recent major life events will leave a lasting impression on me as each day comes and goes.
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