Thursday, September 30, 2010
Daily Painting 1153 Octopus Garden Under water sea painting

Seascapes and Boats

Tranquil, Oil on panel, 9 in. x 7 in.
I continue to work on plein air seascapes, and I keep looking for locations with boats. This was painted on a very tranquil, cool morning. It was the first time that I was able to keep painting outside for several hours without wilting from the heat. The light on the water and on sides of the boats is what attracted me the most while I studied this scene. My website is at Sharon Guy Art.
Oil Seascape,
Plein air painting
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Enlightened, a Florida Oil Landscape of Water, Boat and Palm by Judy Batterson

As I was walking along the Intracoastal Waterway after a storm, I stopped to look at a beached rowboat. The sunlight suddenly broke through the clouds, creating a cascade of light. I painted this coastal scene knowing it had a deeper level. Sometimes I need to beach myself like the boat, be still and wait quietly for the light to break through and bring hope to the soul. Original 16 x 20 oil on masonite. Chosen for Orlando Magazine's " Paint the Town" 8th Annual Exhibition 2010. For more Florida landscapes visit www.judybatterson.com
Florida Landscape,
Florida oil landscape,
Palm tree,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuscany Impressionism

Country Villa, Oil on canvas, 11 in. x 14 in.
After being encouraged to try some European scenes, I painted this Tuscany villa in an impressionistic style. The driveway winding up the hill reminds me of farm lanes in country estates in New England and New York. I enjoyed painting a hill after doing so many flat scenes in Florida. The charming subject inspired me to use a traditional impressionism style with broken patches of color, and I think it resulted in a very happy painting. My website is at Sharon Guy Art/.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
"Language Barrier", 14x18- by Maryanne Jacobsen

I did this quick study last night as an experiment to see if I could paint people with a palette knife. I discovered that it was hard, but not impossible. The result is very impressionistic. I kind of like it so I'll probable do another one with even thicker paint. I've priced this very low, since it was an experimental piece and it only took me a short time to complete. So grab it if you like impressionist works that don't have a great deal of detail. (You can click on the image to see the detail a little better.)
I decided to name it "Language Barrier" because of a funny thing that happened yesterday.
I am looking after a friend's dog while they are away and yesterday when I went to their home, I let the dog out back into the fenced yard. The dog , whose name is "Sammy" could see his "friend" next door, a pit bull looking out from the sliding glass door of his home, probably wishing he could go out and play with Sammy. They started barking at each other , as is they were talking. Then a funny thing happened. I started hearing another loud strident voice coming from the pitbull's home. It sounded like a bratty little kid screaming his head off, but I know these people have no children. The racket got louder and louder and then the strange voice started whistling and heckling Sammy, who just kept barking back. I finally realized it was a cockatoo, a tropical bird which is known for its loud and rather harsh voice. I began thinking that it would be really cool if we could all talk to each other, animals and humans and birds communicating back and forth. Anyhow, that was the inspiration for this painting.

If you wish to purchase the painting, please visit by blog at PaintDance.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, plein air paintings, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, after Van Gogh,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,palette knife florals,colorist art>,a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, floral impressionist paintings, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, original still life paintings,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,affordable original art,colorist art>,
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, paintings of bayous, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, Florida art, Gulf coast paintings,paintings of swamps,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto paintings.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Plein Air Painting at Dusk

Last Moments Before Dark, Oil on canvas, 14 in. x 11 in, by Sharon Guy
One of the best times to be hanging around at the beach in Florida is at sunset. I feel lucky to be able to enjoy so many of these beach sunsets. There is a period of time after the sun sinks behind the ocean and before it gets too dark to see. As I painted this on site, the horizon was still light and people looked like silhouettes. As always with plein air painting, I had to paint quickly while the light kept changing, and rely on memory. By the time I was mostly finished, I had barely enough light to work. I made a few touch-ups later in my studio. There was very little color to work with because it was cloudy, so I created a mood with various shades of grey. For more of my art visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Florida Art,
gulf coast,
Oil Seascape,
Plein Air,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Swampy Road, A Florida Landscape by Judy Batterson

Off the beaten paths, sandy roads lead back into untouched areas of coastal Florida. Palms, pines, and mangroves grow in abundance. In the hammocks and lagoons, brackish water reflects the blue sky. Very refreshing in a back to nature way!
16 x 20" oil on masonite www.judybatterson.com
dirt roads,
Florida Landscape,
palm trees,
Another View of the Gulf

View From the Dunes, Oil on Panel, 9 in. x 7 in. by Sharon Guy
Last Sunday I found a nice view from a wooden platform on the North end of Siesta beach. It had a bench I could sit on, and plenty of room for my easel. I was working on a small panel, so I did an impressionist style soft-edged painting. The Gulf water has a jewel-like color in the early morning. It is incredibly quiet and peaceful there in the morning, and I tried to capture that mood in this painting. For more plein-air painting visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Beach Art,
Oil Seascape,
Plein air painting,
Siesta Key
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Daily Painting 1146 SOLD Undersea Meeting Sea Fan Miniature oil painting
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Daily Painting 1145 Gator Pond
Sunset Palm, a Tropical Oil Landscape by Judy Batterson

This 10x12" oil on masonite is an uncomplicated but effective tropical landscape at sunset. The dark silhouette of the palm in the foreground stands out against the yellow, orange, and red streaked across the sky. A warm palette predominates as the light is broken into a broader spectrum. www.judybatterson.com
Florida Art,
Palm tree,
Tropical art
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The White Sandy Beaches of Southwest Florida

White Sand, Siesta Key, Oil on canvas, 14 in. x 11 in. by Sharon Guy
The white sandy beaches of Southwest Florida are stunning, especially Siesta Beach. I painted this en plein air, while standing in the shade of the blue tower at the north end of the beach. The heat and humidity forced me to quit earlier than I wanted, but I had painted fast and was satisfied with what was on the canvas. The curve of the beach with the dunes and grasses make a nice composition. Finally, the clouds are thinning and I have some intense, tropical colors to paint. My website is at Sharon Guy Art.
Beach Art,
Oil Seascape,
Plein air painting,
Siesta Key
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Daily Painting 1143 Moth Orchids phalaenopsis orchid

Monday, September 13, 2010
Daily Painting 1142 Lady of the Night Orchids Brassavola Nodosa
"Red Beret", 12x16, oil on linen by Maryanne JAcobsen

I started painting about 5 years ago after moving to Florida from Pennsylvania, where I had had a successful career in both real estate and the performing arts. After I moved here I had some free time on my hands and so I decided to do something that I had always wanted to do from the time I was a little child-paint! So I picked up some inexpensive watercolor paints and played around a bit. After a couple months I moved over to oils and decided to sign up for some lessons at a local art guild. One thing led to the next and before I knew it, I was winning awards and getting juried into national competitions.
My desire to paint has dwindled significantly in the past six months. A combination of things has put painting and artistic endeavors on a back burner.
It is funny how quickly you can lose confidence when you stop doing something that you think that you know how to do.
I have been struggling of late to find stimulating subject matter to paint and to find the incentive to paint-period. I have painted all subjects-landscapes, portraits and still lifes, and I can't really say I like one genre more than another. It all depends on my mood. Today I went through some reference photos that I had in my art file. This file contains photos I had taken of subjects that I had hoped to paint one day. Out of the thick stack I pulled out a photo of a man who had posed for a workshop that I took about three years ago with fabulous figurative artist Rob Liberace. As a new painter, I was probably the least experienced person in the class. That being said, Liberace was a grand teacher- and at the end of the workshop I felt like I had learned a good bit about portraiture in spite of my lack of experience.
There were three models during the workshop and we rotated positions throughout the three days. I never had a chance to paint the man with the distinctive features and the red beret and I was a bit disappointed. He obliged when I asked if I could take his photo, and when I pulled it out of the file last week something clicked inside my brain. I felt that although I was not painting from life, he would be fun and challenging for me to paint after being rather unproductive for almost 6 months now.
Unfortunately I cannot remember the man's name, but if he ever happens to read this blog, thanks so much for the opportunity. You have a very interesting face carved with years of thoughtfulness and life's varied experiences. The painting was done over the course of a few days and I think it is turned out to be a good study.

Seascape Art from Florida

Casey Key Beach, Oil on panel, 7 in. x 5 in.
This is one of two paintings I did on Labor Day at the North Jetty at Casey Key. I look forward to returning to that area again. I saw many scenic views that I would like to paint. I never get tired of painting the white sand and the blue-green water of Southwest Florida. I hope the light will be brighter next time - I've been painting lots of grey clouds during this rainy season, and miss the tropical colors that Florida is famous for. My website is at Sharon Guy Art.
casey key,
Florida Art,
Oil Seascape,
Plein air painting
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Lone Palm, a Florida Landscape by Judy Batterson

In Florida, clumps of mangroves and palms grow along waterways. This hammock had a single palm rising from the center of the foliage next to the water. Blues and greens dominate the composition, giving it a cool, verdant feeling. Naturalists enjoy exploring these tropical ecosystems. 16x20 oil on masonite. www.judybatterson.com
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Figurative Painting

"Jane's Parapluie"
27" x 21"
We were painting the local vineyard in the Quercy region of Southwestern France when it started to sprinkle. It didn't stop us, though.
27" x 21"
We were painting the local vineyard in the Quercy region of Southwestern France when it started to sprinkle. It didn't stop us, though.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Daily Painting 1141 Bannerfish Undersea painting

Its 5 x 7, oil on gessoed archival mat board, $100.
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Plein Air Painting at Casey Key

North Jetty, Casey Key, Oil on panel, 7 in x 5 in.
Last Monday I spent the morning painting at Casey Key. The forecast was for rain but I decided I could at least do some quick studies. The temperature was cool and cloudy, which was perfect for my comfort, but the grey clouds muted the colors of the sky and water. Sea oats towered over me and framed my view nicely while I stood near a high dune. I chose a view of the North and South Jetties as I faced South. I could only paint a simple impression on such a small panel, but it captures the essence of the scene that was before me. For more of my art visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Daily Painting,
en plein air,
Florida Seascape,
Oil Painting
"Festiva Maxima" by Sally Shisler

"Festiva Maxima" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(29x29")-201090; $1750
Don't miss out, subscribe now to receive my newsletter, "Even More", and take advantage of an extended September offer!
Do you remember the first "Festiva Maxima" - the itty bitty one from a month or so ago? It was the inspiration for this larger painting, which I have to say in all honesty is the most exciting painting I feel I've done recently - maybe ever. The past few weeks have come and gone with some very intense stuff going on with my mom and dad (not to mention other things too). These two human beings I adore and in their times of need they come above everything else. The release of my first newsletter was 'officially' delayed so that I could focus all my attention on helping them get their lives in a little better order. I never would have thought that in the midst of that intensity I'd be able to fit in even a 4x4" painting - let alone one of this size....that I really like....that not only do I really like, but that I even have video of from start to finish! How does something like that happen? Only by letting go of the need to control life. It's best to constantly remind myself that faith in something greater than me, myself and I is the only way to live right. And now with many urgent hurdles jumped, I am ready to send out my newsletter on Friday. Sign up now if you haven't already. The newsletter will have the only link to view the live recording of this painting in progress.
Contact me regarding purchase & commission requests. Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to my blog -All in A Painting Day's Work- subscribers. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Monday, September 6, 2010
For more information:
Garden Watercolor

Garden, Watercolor, 6 in. x 4 in.
It's been a while since I've used watercolors. Flowers and watercolors are meant for each other. This little study was done from sketches of a garden that I visited in North Carolina in July. I'm looking forward to doing a larger version. I might even attempt some plein air watercolors. For more of my art visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Daily Painting 1140 Wild Night Full Moon
Friendly Visitor
Bourbon Street Babe Two
Went back and tweaked Bourbon Street Babe One a tiny bit, with the hopes of brightening her a tiny bit! Then went on to try her once again, this time obviously zooming in a bit. This young lady was covered with tattoos on her arms...not sure if I was successful getting that across?

Bourbon Steet,
figurative art,
New Orleans,
Bourbon Street Babe One and Two

Went back and tweaked Bourbon Street Babe One a tiny bit, with the hopes of brightening her a tiny bit! Then went on to try her once again, this time obviously zooming in a bit. This young lady was covered with tattoos on her arms...not sure if I was successful getting that across?
Bourbon Steet,
figurative art,
New Orleans,
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Kate in the Rose Garden, Outdoor Garden Scene by Judy Batterson

This 16 x 20" oil painting is from an outing at Harry P. Leu Gardens in Orlando, Florida. Little blonde Kate, standing next to a fountain in the Rose Garden, studied the pinks of the roses and watched the butterflies. Her godmother Whitney captured the moment in a black and white photo. I captured the moment in oil on canvas. Her mommy Cara was the happy recipient of the painting and photo. Leu Gardens is a beautiful place for photography and for painting!
Leu Gardens,
painting children,
rose garden,
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