"In the Spotlight" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(8x10")-201074; Members-$600 framed
This painting is the companion to yesterday's post, Sharing the Stage. I worked on these over several sessions for most of last week with the goal of visiting two very different lighting conditions; one under a shade tree with dappled sunlight and the other in full-on bright light. Of course, I'm very familiar with the latter - which is today's post, In the Spotlight. The dappled lighting is an entirely different story (yesterday's post), and took much more observation and studying time for me. Working on a painting for more than one session is an entirely different experience from my preferred mode, which is 'in one sitting'. The process changes from spontaneous and immediate, to very pensive and often tangential. Meaning there is so much opportunity for my mind to lose focus on what the inspiration was to begin with. One hallmark of a truly great painter is the patience & maturity to let an idea unfold and paint itself over time. I'm learning, but it's oh so hard not to engage in distraction and folly! That said, I will admit that my favorite paintings are like the small ones that I've been posting lately. Fleeting inspirations that have to be dealt with right away - 'putting out fires', if you will. Though not in a bad way, just little burning desires that need attention.
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