A first of series of paintings of people working in the kitchen, $120 link here
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Daily Painting 1137 Sea Fan
And I Will Walk With You, an Oil Painting of Footprints by Judy Batterson

This 4 x 12" oil painting was commissioned by my friend Annie. She took photos of her toes and wanted her own version of
the story known as "Footprints". A little whimsy mixed with symbolism makes this unique. With His arm around her shoulder, she and her Lord are both facing the future together, standing at the edge of the ocean, ready to go deeper still. Although not my usual landscape painting, this was such a joy and humbling experience to paint the feet of my friend. It was like washing her feet.
Beach Art,
Ocean art,
sandy shore,
Monday, August 30, 2010
"Off the Wall" by Sally Shisler

"Off the Wall" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(4x4")-201089; Blog/Newsletter Subscriber's Price $75
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Don't miss out, subscribe now and take advantage of my September offer!
That was my reaction to this very weird painting I did today. At first I really didn't like it, but it's kind of growing on me in ways that are teaching me more lessons in acceptance. I'm an idealist, a perfectionist, constantly setting the bar higher and higher for myself. No pain, no gain - right? After the sting passed, I started to appreciate the soft overall glow; the freedom of the dark strokes that define the wood floor, picture frames & chandelier; the awkward design made OK by the contemporary painting. It's beginning to sound like I'm justifying a mess - but what the heck? I feel better now. And seriously, I do like this piece!
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!

One Angel,One Shoe
18 x 24 inches,watercolor on paper
one of a kind
shipping is free worldwide
click on images to enlarge
feel free to email me with any questions
please click on buy now button to view price and purchase
I have spent most of my career working in Italy and seeing some of the most amazing churches in the world. the Angel theme for me is a natural,it gives a much more modern twist to the modern shoe of today,looking up at the ceilings in the magnificent cathedrals I always imagined and Angel fluttering along carrying a shoe, here it is.
For more information:
Daily Painting 1136 My Orchids
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
"Remembering You, Mr. Van Gogh", by Maryanne Jacobsen

I bought a book in the airport recently to read on the plane when I returned from visiting with my mom. It was a blessing that I did, since we sat on the tarmac for three hours during stormy weather! The book was called The Rembrandt Affair, by Daniel Silva, and although I have not finished it yet, I am enjoying it quite a bit. The book is a mystery about the heist of an unknown work of Rembrandt's, valued in the millions. The book describes how under-protected the great masterpieces truly are, and the fact that there are many art heists of masterpieces every year in large museums and elsewhere.
Just a few days a go, I happened to pick up the newspaper and read that one of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings had been stolen from a museum in Egypt. The painting, tiled "Vase with Flowers" was worth $55 million dollars!

There is something so incredibly poignant, unassuming and melancholy about many of Van Gogh's paintings. I love the simplicity and innocence in this piece and would want it in my home even if it was not worth $55 million dollars!
I wish Vincent Van Gogh would have known how much joy his paintings would bring to others, in his own lifetime. For me, I have come to realize that that is what is the most important part of painting for me- giving other people a sense of joy, peace and a sense of poignancy. I dedicated this little floral to Vincent Van Gogh in the title. I hope he is enjoying many starry, starry nights, and the fragrance of lovely little flowers in his place of eternal peace and rest.
If you wish to buy "Remembering you, Mr. Van Gogh", please visit my blog at Paint Dance.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, plein air paintings, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, after Van Gogh,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,palette knife florals,colorist art>,a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, floral impressionist paintings, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, original still life paintings,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,affordable original art,colorist art>,
More Plein Air Painting in the Rain by Sharon Guy

Rainbow, Oil on canvas, 10 in. x 8 in.
It's been hard to do plein air painting here in Florida in August because it's been raining constantly and the heat and humidity are overwhelming. Last Sunday morning, I saw a beautiful rainbow peaking through the thunderclouds. I plopped my easel down in the middle of Siesta beach and started painting as fast as I could. I also did a good sketch in case it started raining. When the thunder and lightning started, I grabbed my easel, canvas, and backpack and retreated to the pavilion - just in time before the heavy rain let go. For more plein air painting, visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Florida Seascape,
Oil Painting,
Plein air painting,
Siesta Key
Friday, August 27, 2010
New Kitchen Table
Wally The White Cat!
Daily Painting 1135 WIP
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Daily Painting 1134 The Secret Pond Miniature Oil Painting
Plein Air Painting in the Rain by Sharon Guy

Rainy Morning, Oil on canvas, 12 in. x 9 in.
Last weekend my early morning plein air painting sessions were interrupted a couple times by heavy rain. I sat in the car and drew some fabulous clouds. After a short painting session, I had to retreat to the pavilion while a thunderstorm and downpour went on. Beachgoers were patiently waiting and hoping they could go back out on the sand. I ended up finishing this painting in the studio. Painting outside in all the elements requires some flexibility. It expresses the mood of the beach in the rain, with birds huddled together. For more art visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Florida Hammock, Florida Oil Landscape of Palms and Mangroves by Judy Batterson

This hammock, with abundant wildlife and strong reflections, is typical of the marshy hammocks along the low coastal areas of Florida. A cool palette of blues and greens make a calming scene, natural and tranquil. Palm and mangroves are painted in detail as they grow out of the foliage along the waterway. 16 x 20" oil www.judybatterson.com
Florida Art,
Florida landscape painting,
palm trees,
Tropical art,
"Blue Willow" by Sally Shisler

"Blue Willow" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(4x4")-201088; Blog/Newsletter Subscriber's Price $75
I hope you are all registering to receive my monthly newsletter.
Don't miss out, subscribe now and take advantage of my September offer!
I never knew the story behind the scene on this popular antique Blue Willow transferware plate. I'm glad I did the research because it gives the painting meaning beyond the plate's luscious beauty. There is more than one variation, but each tale tends to flow along the same lines. As the tale goes, long ago, a Chinese Mandarin lived in a wonderful pagoda under an apple tree on the right side of a bridge. He was the father of a beautiful girl, who was the promised bride of an old but wealthy merchant. The girl, however, fell in love with her father’s clerk. The lovers eloped across the sea to the cottage on the island. Her father pursued and caught the lovers and was about to have them killed when the gods transformed them into a pair of turtle doves. Of course, there is no factual basis to the story, but dang - isn't it romantic?
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
"The Critic's Choice" by Sally Shisler

"The Critic's Choice" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(4x4")-201087; Blog/Newsletter Subscriber's Price $75
Ahhh - finally back to the real business at hand here after an unexpectedly long leave of absence. I hope you are all registering to receive my monthly newsletter. I made the official announcement earlier today giving a head's up on what's in store for new and old followers alike. Don't miss out, subscribe now!
An intimate scene from a favorite neighborhood restaurant that was recently recognized for it's stellar, out of this world thai food. It's interesting how the lamp became the subject of the painting. Not what I intended, but I am pleasantly surprised at how it's importance comes through. I have to say that being a photographer around town feels a little bit strange! I'm not used to it at all. I've found myself making up stories in my own head about the stories the people who are watching me are making up in their heads. Make sense? Isn't it just like an artist to imagine that anyone else really cares that much about what they do?
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Daily Painting 1132 Jurassic Playground
Serene Sunset, Florida Oil Landscape of Palm Islands by Judy Batterson

Islands of palms, trees and mangroves cast shadows in water as the sun sets. A Florida coastal sunset, alive with changing colors, can take your breath away. Kayaks and small boats seek the still water between the islands to see wildlife as well as the sunset.
16 x 20" oil on masonite. www.judybatterson.com
Florida Art,
Florida Artist,
Florida Landscape,
Palm tree,
palm trees,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Daily Painting 1130 Undersea Fantasy
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Lynn Morgan Contemporary Pastel Landscape Painting
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blustery Day, Impressionistic Wind Blown Palms, by Judy Batterson

Using a palette knife and thick brushstrokes, this painting was done in an impressionistic style. The wind blown palms are dancing in the air currents while the sun is reflects on the water. The clouds are filled with light and shadows. The paint is still in layers but painted with thicker paint. This painting is currently in the Biennial V Exhibit at the Museum of Florida Art in DeLand.
Beach Art,
Florida Art,
Florida oil landscape,
palm trees,
Yoga Girl
Beach Art,
Portrait of aYellow and Black Labrador Retriever

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Daily Painting 1127 Royal Poinciana by the Pond
"The Guest Bedroom, I" by Sally Shisler

(4x4")-201085; "The Guest Bedroom" -$75
The first of several interiors here. Boy - have I ever been missing out! There is a plethora of scenic views to be had in this place called the indoors. This series, if it becomes one during this week, will have to be done from photos. When I can't get out and about for plein air, I like to bring everything out into my back yard where I can still enjoy the outdoors. The fan must come along too in this heat. It's actually quite a lovely setup - under our beautiful Sycamore tree. This painting is done on a different canvas than most of the 20 or so paintings. It has much more texture and hand primed, etc. It's a bit rough for such a small area - great for the larger pieces, but not for small. I love the subtle palette I mixed here, though the dark hue got a little too close to black for my taste. Just the same, I love it!
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Daily Painting 1126 At the Lily Pond
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Painting the Gulf, by Sharon Guy

Looking North, Sunday Morning, Oil on canvas, 12 in. x 10 in.
Early in the morning, I walked to the north end of Siesta Beach to look at the dunes and grasses. The light was grey and the water was greyish green when I started, but as the sun moved higher the sky and water changed to soft blue. I painted quickly, because the heat was getting intense by 9am. This was painted with a palette knife and a little brush work. The beach was quiet except for a few people out doing their early morning walks or runs. For more plein air paintings visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
Florida Seascape,
Plein air painting,
Siesta Key
Saturday, August 14, 2010
"Not Forgotten" by Sally Shisler

(4x4")-201084; "Not Forgotten" -$75
The shack - maybe it was a love shack - who knows? Sure didn't look like one to me from the outside looking in, but you never know. This painting ends my week long visit with entryways. Yes, I realize you couldn't get in through this side of the building. Unless you climbed through the window. What was fun with this was no direct lighting - just the diffuse glow of an overcast day. The greens are mixed with gamblin's pthalo green. It's a very nice blue-green, one that turns out to be comfortable for me to work with. Greens can be tricky - scary even! But this one is a keeper. It dawned on me while I was painting this that I usually interpret the angles of buildings quite literally - you know, right angles to the canvas edges. The cockeyed slant of this worn out shack helped me to see more design possibilities for my paintings. Little breakthroughs are wonderful, no?
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Daily Painting 1125 Double Orange Hibiscus Miniature oil painting

Friday, August 13, 2010
"Fresh Air" & "Vic's" by Sally Shisler
(4x4")-201083; "Vic's Bait & Tackle" -$75

(4x4")-201082; "Fresh Air" -$75

Simple as these paintings may look, there is quite a lot of work that goes into most of them. I spend lots of time figuring out the best plan of attack with my palette knife. As you know, I like very clean & direct strokes, and each shape in a painting needs the right kind of treatment for it to come together for me. Most times I'll sit and stare at the lay in from all different angles waiting for an 'aha' moment to clue me in that it's time to roll. When the moment's right, I let 'er rip! I'll have to take some photos of my set up that I use when painting the itties. I secure the little boards to a putty knife with a wide blade. The knife has a awesome, sturdy handle with which I'm able to turn the painting all different directions. This way I can do my 'shadow painting' over the canvas to see if the stroke feels right. I'll practice the movement of my arm or wrist until I can see that the stroke direction is going to work for the shape.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog,
Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!

(4x4")-201082; "Fresh Air" -$75

Simple as these paintings may look, there is quite a lot of work that goes into most of them. I spend lots of time figuring out the best plan of attack with my palette knife. As you know, I like very clean & direct strokes, and each shape in a painting needs the right kind of treatment for it to come together for me. Most times I'll sit and stare at the lay in from all different angles waiting for an 'aha' moment to clue me in that it's time to roll. When the moment's right, I let 'er rip! I'll have to take some photos of my set up that I use when painting the itties. I secure the little boards to a putty knife with a wide blade. The knife has a awesome, sturdy handle with which I'm able to turn the painting all different directions. This way I can do my 'shadow painting' over the canvas to see if the stroke feels right. I'll practice the movement of my arm or wrist until I can see that the stroke direction is going to work for the shape.
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog,
Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
Key Largo Palms, Tropical Scene of Palms and Aqua Water by Judy Batterson

Just another day in paradise. This 24 x 36" oil on masonite shows three tall stately palms against a background of aqua water and a balmy sky. Tourists and ecotourists are beckoned to the Florida Keys by the tropical beauty of the cool colors. As I was painting this, a lady stopped to watch me. She finally spoke and said, "That's where I want to be...in your painting!" That made my day!
Florida Keys,
Key Largo,
Oil Seascape,
palm trees,
Plein Air Painting at the Beach by Sharon Guy

North End, Siesta Beach, Oil on canvas, 8" x 10"
There is a grassy area near the parking area at the North end of Siesta Beach. I backed my car in so I could leave my trunk open and pull my art supplies out for my plein air setup. While facing the water I had a close-up view of the grasses, sea grapes, and weeds. A bunny grazed nearby in the grass for a long time. This was painted very early in the morning. For more art visit my website at Sharon Guy Art.
florida plein air painting,
Siesta Key,
wildife art
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Daily Painting 1123 Down by the Indian River
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Plein Air Chandelier" by Sally Shisler

"Plein Air Chandelier" © Sally Shisler, 2010
(3x3")-201082; Members-$65
It's funny how hard it is to really see what's there when you're painting something that isn't part of your usual repertoire. This idea of a tunnel was quite perplexing to me. It presented a host of problems - some that are just inherent in painting a throughway - a hole, essentially, through a solid structure - some that come from creating an interesting design within a square - the whole value/contrast/hue/saturation equation - another that came from the dilemma of abstract, realistic....realistic, abstract... You can that see my general confusion and indecisiveness from yesterday is still with me : )
I have 2 - 3 more paintings to do with this portal theme. It'd be great to stick with it, just to prove to myself that I can do it - even though it's uncomfortable. After all, each and every painting really does present exactly the same kind of riddle, don't you think?
Unless otherwise noted, listed prices are offered to subscribers of my blog, Sally Shisler, Contemporary Impressionism: "All in a Painting Day's Work". If you are interested in purchasing a painting, but are not yet subscribed, simply enter your email address in the join box on my home page. As a subscriber you will receive special values on your purchases and periodic promotions will give you the opportunity to enjoy my paintings in real life at even more affordable prices!
NYC Wall

Since then I have had the most wonderful summer I can remember in a long long time. I taught a drawing class in June and then went on an 18 day road trip through 19 states! I have taken a tremendous amount of photos which will keep me busy for the next year if not more.
I also moved a week ago to a new city, not far from where I have been living for the last 21+ years. It is very close to where I work and lots of amenities to offer! This is my dream come true...a beautiful room that is going to be my studio. Still getting settled, but planning on painting tomorrow for most of the day.
One more week until school starts and back to teaching, which I truly love! My schedule will allow much painting time! CAN'T WAIT!
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